5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5)

The Empty Men: Thriller in Science Fiction
The long-awaited sequel to the #1 bestseller The Stone Man from Amazon and Audible, shortlisted for Audible Book of the Year 2015

In the middle of the afternoon, the sun sets on a quiet seafront, part of the clouds, and something like a pale, elongated human form emerges on the horizon.
This is proof to Maria, watching from the beach, that she should never have dared to return. She had left the country five years ago, her world devastated by the Stone Man’s arrival. But she can’t run now: unexpectedly, ‘Empty Men’ news stories are materializing all over the coast, and the roads are gridlocked. The Empty Men are assassins, and they’re going inside.

A hundred miles from the sea, lonely, weeping Eric watches obsessively in the ruins of Coventry, never straying far from Ground Zero, the location of the first appearance of the Stone Man. Eric has known for five years that the circumstances surrounding the Stone Man and his disappearance were a major government cover-up, and he is determined to discover the facts.

This science fiction thriller is the highly awaited second book in Luke Smitherd’s outstanding Stone Man series, as Maria fights the Empty Men in a desperate chase for survival, and Eric is trapped in a frightening transformation at Ground Zero, both find themselves on a road leading directly to the heart of the Stone Man mystery. Chilling, fast-paced and full of breathtaking twists.
‘THE STONE MAN’ praise:

“THE STONE MAN is a novel that intrigues, enthralls, horrifies, thrills, and hits the reader with an emotional resonance as only the best stories can.”
-It’s not Cool News
“Tagged as both science fiction and a thriller, this is a book that has it all: strong characterization, moral quandaries, mystery, and a whole lot of tense moments all presented through the narration of a fallible, all too human protagonist that you can’t help but root for. Reading the final sentence of the The Stone Man was truly a bittersweet moment.”
-SFsignal.com, the award-winning website for Hugo
