4.6 out of 5 stars (4.6 / 5)

It was the night before Christmas, and no creature was stirring all the way around the house… nope. Oh, no. Nuh-oh. Uh. It’s a lie.
She realizes the moment Caro wakes up, that she’s not alone.
From the living room, one thump-thump and she springs into action quickly.
Later, one 9-1-1 call, and she’s prepared to protect herself.
Just as she steps out into her living room and comes face to face with a living breathing nightmare, she gets more than she bargains for.
And isn’t it just fitting that the man who saves her is called Saint Nicholas as he comes down the chimney with a big black gun in his hand?
*** *
It seemed like a bad joke was starting.
On Christmas Eve night, Saint Nicholas comes down the chimney, but he’s not there to bring presents. He’s there to get the garbage cleaned away.
He has no other choice but to put himself in harm’s way as he falls on his silent feet.
One look at the scared face of Caro, and he can’t help himself.
As the bullets begin to fly, he moves in, saving the damsel in distress and taking a bullet to his shoulder for his troubles.
One thing he can say, though is that the heroes always win the ladies.
And the greatest Christmas miracle of all is Caro.